Re: password backdoors

Eric Kimminau (kimminau@Mail.Coast.NET)
Thu, 11 May 1995 20:21:51 -0400 (EDT)

> I am sure your HP engineer was just boasting, I am sure there are no
> 'password backdoors' in Domain/OS. However, Domain/OS (as installed by
> default) has many other security holes which allow anyone (preferably with
> physical access) to do anything they like. Even though this is a full
> disclosure list, I would prefer not to elaborate on how to expoit these
> holes, but rather point you to a set of scripts which close most (all?) of
> them:

Its very possible to boot an HPUX box as root if you have physical access 
to the machine, power off, power on, let fsck begin, power off, power on. 
Single user fsck root shell.

 ////    Eric Kimminau   Dos God at Large. Linux v1.2.x
 c-OO    '' Take thee this thing covered with that stuff and give it unto that
    \       guy, that he may do things with it. ** "Romis glorius", sed Caesar